On 5 Apr 2005, at 15:17, max@machinate.org wrote:
Maybe it is a bit harsh to stop syntax highlighting on a code block because of personal preference though.
Slight misunderstanding. I did not stop the highlighting because of a personal preference. It ended up that way, and I tried to fix it but ended up with other problems down the tree. Since it wasn't a show stopper I kept it and worked around it like you.
Your html bundle is excellent, and its hard to think of any new things you could add. ol and ul aren't in there, but this is presumably because there are good ones in the outliner bundle. Maybe these could be added to html to make it easy for people to find.
Yeah, <ol> <ul> are/were missing and the reason was simply that they somehow did not get uploaded. Odd issue I have to resolve.
Will try and help with the others if I have some time.
Yes, please. I've had some spare time lately, but that's coming to an end soon.
Kind regards,
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