I am a newcomer to the world of Textmate having previously designed websites with Dreamweaver. I love the snippet functionality and have set about creating loads of my own snippets for speedy XHTML coding. I've hit a small snag whilst trying to get a regular expression to reproduce text in two places in my snippet. The problem I am having is trying to tell it to replace any spaces with say an underscore _ character. Forgive me if this is easy to do, I am quite new to Regular Expressions and I'm still feeling my way!
Here is the offending snippet:
<form action="${1:${TM_FILENAME/(.*?)\..*/$1_submit/}}" method="${2:post}" accept-charset="utf-8"> <fieldset id="${6:${3/[[:alpha:]]+|( )/(?3:_:\L$0)/g}}" ${4:class="${5:}"}> <legend>${3:enter form name}</legend> $0 <button type="submit">submit</button><br/> </fieldset> </form>
So placeholder number 3 is the legend name and also populates the fieldset ID. I can easily change the ID manually if it contains spaces, but I thought it would be really cool if it would just replace them automatically with an underscore instead.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Kind regards,