On May 7, 2006, at 9:09 AM, Soryu wrote:
In MultiMarkdown Footnotes[^footnotes] are a built-in feature and the command mentioned can most easily be adapted to insert such a footnote.
[^footnotes]: See here: http://fletcher.freeshell.org/wiki/ MultiMarkdown#footnotes
Be aware that footnotes are not yet a standard feature of Markdown (I'm taking John Gruber's version to be the standard), so you'll be unable to process [^foot]-style footnotes in most, if not all, non- MultiMarkdown implementations.
Gruber himself *does* use footnotes on his Daring Fireball site, and the best way to do footnotes has been much discussed on the Markdown mailing list. A good thread on the topic starts [here][1].
I have a couple of longish flights coming up at the end of this week, and will probably use that dead time to modify my TM link snippets to handle footnotes in the MultiMarkdown style. Don't make any summer plans until you hear back from me ;)
-- Dr. Drang
[1]: http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/markdown-discuss/2005-July/ 001401.html