Niels Kobschätzki <n.kobschaetzki@...> writes:
That won't work for him, if I understood him right. I think what would work would be some script, that creates out of the tex-file one is working on a temporary file and then goes through the file changes the umlauts and other stuff to entities and renders then the temporary file. But pdfsync would then be impossible. If I understand it correct he wants that he sees in textmate "Doppelgänger" but when rendering not "Doppelgänger" gets rendered but "Doppelg"{a}nger". So he never sees the entities in the document he's workin on but it gets rendered as there would be entities instead of umlauts in it.
Well, that defies the purpose of TextMate which is…… to show the content of the .tex file… I'm confused… The request is something like Lyx, some wysiwyg thing ?