Ryan Hodges wrote:
I'll second this request. I'm maintaining legacy code that's 10 years old and it requires tabstops every 8 characters, but an indent width of 4 spaces. Doing the expand, unexpand trick won't work on this old code because the final unexpand introduces tabs into sections of code that didn't have them before.
Unfortunately, I have to stick with Vim when editing this code. Vim's great, but I prefer TextMate's intuitive interface and elegant appearance and integration with OS X. Great job by the way. If TextMate can help me overcome this tab problem I'll gladly purchase a license.
Cheers, Ryan
Sadly it's not just legacy code. The tab behaviour you describe is the one defined as part of the Java Coding Standards; and in the company where I work, deciding to adhere strictly to that was the only way we were able to resolve the code-formatting arguments! :-}
I hates it, personally; one-tabchar-per-indent-level makes obvious sense, but there you go. XCode can do it. (Set Tab width to 8, indent width to 4, tab key inserts tab, and it all happens automatically.) But it's only a global preference, not even per-project. Apart from that the behaviour's perfect for this style of tabbing. And besides, I like TextMate now (and already bought a license!)