Hi, I'm new here so be gentle ;) I own BBEdit, I'm trying out TM for the first day and I'm super impressed by everything I've tested so far...
So I go on the WIKI to look for a killer XHTML bundle with all the macros, snippets, and what not that would be useful for basic XHTML web design but I can't seem to find anything else besides the bundled bundle ;) I mean... it's enough to understand how it works and get me started in creating my own, but it's going to take me forever to add every tag snippets, etc... I'm not too big on reinventing the wheel and, although I understand that TM is not specifically geared towards web developers, I'm pretty sure some other web designers out there must be using TM as their editor no?
I guess my question is: did I miss something? Or there's no other HTML bundle besides the one that includes only href, mailto, meta, and p??
thanks for any help :) ......................................... m i n i m a l d e s i g n 244 Fifth Avenue - Suite P233 New York, NY 10001-7604 USA
tel / fax: 212.931.8525 email: work@minimaldesign.net site: http://minimaldesign.net/