I've just discovered Objective-J as a very very nice and powerful programming environment. Obj-J runs perfectly in TM's HTMLOutput (Tiger and Leopard) thus I try to solve some issues with it.
Then I downloaded the "JavaScript Objective-J" bundle. I added a first naïve "Run" command and a first help system for it.
But I want to discuss some details in beforehand.
I could imagine that Obj-J will be used by TM coders more and more in the near future. A 'normal' Obj-J application always ships with 2MB of Frameworks code. To prevent this I think it would be nice to do the following. If someone wants to use Obj-J apps inside of TM s/he should download the starter kit or tools from http://cappuccino.org/download/ and copy this folder to a proper destination (maybe also rename it). Then s/he only have to set a shell variable OBJJ_HOME in '~/.profile' like e.g. export OBJJ_HOME="$HOME/Library/Objective-J"
Then my help system would work and a new app could have instead the entire subfolder 'Frameworks' only a symbolic link like: ln -s "$OBJJ_HOME/Frameworks" Frameworks
Then one could write commands: New Obj-J Application New Obj-J Application (embedded Frameworks)
to generate an app template with index.html, main.j, Frameworks folder etc. with or without embedded Frameworks.
Are there any comments? Should I upload my stuff I have to the Review trunk as "JavaScript Objective-J"? Is there someone who is using it yet?