On Oct 31, 2007, at 3:31 PM, Tony Crockford wrote:
On 31 Oct 2007, at 10:19 pm, Jasper Cramwinckel wrote:
When I do a quick look on a TextMate text document, I just see a big TextMate icon and not the content. Does anyone have an idea how that could be fixed?
what format is the file you can't see? I've created and saved files with TextMate and they all show up in QuickLook just fine.. (CSS/PHP/ TXT. even dragging text out of textmate onto the desktop...)
I see this with .tex files. I figured it's because TextMate claims various types without declaring a UTI; hence, .tex files aren't recognized as conforming to public.plain-text, so aren't recognized by Spotlight or Quick Look.