On 1. Aug 2007, at 09:15, Graham Ashton wrote:
I may just be being a berk here, but I don't seem to be able to get the URL associations to play ball. I'm editing text in three different wikis, each with a different format [...]
Are you using Safari 3? I believe this feature broke with the updated WebKit (and custom text fields).
It’s not that much trouble to fix it, just haven’t really looked at it yet. I am surprised to learn people actually use this feature :)
[...] On a related note, can you use regular expressions in the URLAssociations setup, or do you have to specify an exact match?
No regular expressions, it’s presently a substring match, since Cocoa doesn’t have regexp support. That is, we could enhance it to use NSPredicate’s MATCHES operator -- this does require some other definition of ranking though. Maybe it should just be the first match which wins.