Allan Odgaard-4 wrote:
On 4 Dec 2008, at 18:36, Andrea Crotti wrote:
I discovered the blogging bundle [...] I paste code I need to use the <pre> (or the equivalent in markup or textile) tag which keeps the indentation but hides part of the code if I enlarge the font on my browser.
I could also limit the lenght of the strings but it does not solve completely the problem...
Put this in the CSS to get a scrollbar on demand: pre { overflow: auto; }
It would be also nice some sintax highlighting and better formatting, any advices?
You can use Bundles → TextMate → Paste Document / Selection Online…
This pastes to pastie and there is instructions on how to embed the pastie in your blog posts (pastie does a very nice presentation of the source and it is based on how TextMate parses it, so you can paste subsets of code / data formats and still get proper highlight, it even strips leading indent).
I'm trying to use pastie but I'm missing something, I paste the code, I copy-paste the <script> tag and I blog it.
Then my <script> dskfjsljk </script> just disappear, it's not accepted (but it doesn't give errors). What does it mean? Maybe I'm not allowed to put a link to a javascript maybe?
Just doing this is not correct <script src=''></script> THanks a lot