This is a strange one. The other day my Subversion commits have suddenly stopped working in terms of uploading to the repository.
I ctrl-shift-A, use the commit and get the window for commiting the files I've highlighted and the -m message window. Enter a message... All good.
When I hit Commit however, I get the Subversion Commit - "Transmitting File data" window and the barber pole but the window never comes back with either a dialogue box for the password for the user or anything at all. I end up having to quite Textmate in order to kill it and then doing a command line svn cleanup on the files that I was trying to upload.
Handling svn through the command line with svn ci file.rhtml -m "blah de blah" works fine however.
Does anyone have any idea of what may be causing this and how to correct it ? I've gotten so used to the svn budle it's really cramping my style now...
thanks ! Daryl. PS> OSX 10.4.11, Textmate Version 1.5.7 (1436), svn, version 1.4.5 (r25188)