Does anyone know what might prevent the results of a an executed command to show up in the R Console? Every time I type a command the line ends up cleared and no output is displayed. It seems that the command is getting executed as I can can see the result if I open up r_out. It even shows up in the history.
Here is a simple example of what I get on newly installed Rdaemon after launching from TM_Rdaemon.app and executing:
After hitting return the console gets cleared to:
In r_out I get:
WARNING: unknown option '--TMRdaemon'
ARGUMENT '2' __ignored__
source("/Users/linaskk/Library/Application Support/Rdaemon/daemon/start.r") sink('/Users/linaskk/Library/Application Support/Rdaemon/r_tmp');cat(geterr
<ary/Application Support/Rdaemon/r_tmp');cat(geterrm essage());sink(file=NULL)
sink('/Users/linaskk/Library/Application Support/Rdaemon/r_tmp');args(ls) sink(file=NULL) sink('/Users/linaskk/Library/Application Support/Rdaemon/r_tmp');cat(gsub('
<ary/Application Support/Rdaemon/r_tmp');cat(gsub('. *?/library/(.*?)/.*','\1
<aemon/r_tmp');cat(gsub('.*?/library/(.*?)/.*','\1' ,as.vector(help('ls',try.
<?/library/(.*?)/.*','\1',as.vector(help('ls',try.a ll.packages=F)),perl=T),s
<as.vector(help('ls',try.all.packages=F)),perl=T),se p='\n')
sink(file=NULL) ls()
[1] "jpeg" "pdf" "png"
I've used Rdaemon before on other systems running the same OS X 10.6.8 without a problem, so I am not sure why it doesn't work on this particular system. The same thing happens in both TM1 and TM2.