In the latex bundle we find:
A) a command (ctrl+shift+W)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] +'/lib/escape.rb' print "\\${1:emph}{#{if s = ENV['TM_SELECTED_TEXT'] then e_sn(s) else '$2' end}}"
B) an other command (cmd B)
toggle_style.rb -style=textbf
C) a snippet(ctrl+shift+E)
---------------------------------------------------- three questions :
1) Why this snippet ? (the commands are useful !)
2) the snippet appears in the Select Bundle Item of the menu Bundle but not in the item Latex of the menu Bundle (perhaps i don't see it).
3) ${1:text${2:bf}}{$TM_SELECTED_TEXT} i don't understand the syntax why not :
\${1:text}${2:bf}{$TM_SELECTED_TEXT} ? we can change text with math and bf with cal for example
Regards Alain