Rick DeNatale wrote:
I think now that it's not really that there are two types of projects, but two types of relationship between items in the project and the filesystem.
There actually are two types of projects, and the distinction between them is the way they relate to the filesystem. :)
The "File->New Project" kind of project is a kind of document with links to files and folders that you have added to that project. If on the other hand you drag a folder to TextMate, then you create a project directly related to that folder, with all the contents readily available.
In the first kind of project you have *references* to files and folders, and you can rearrange those to your liking, including adding groups (which have no counterpart in the filesystem), in the latter kind of project you are working directly on the filesystem, and rearranging files means that they are moved.
I think the behavior you see in subversion is a result of the way you use your project: the update action updates the selected item in the drawer. And if that is not the base of your checkout, then not all files will be updated.
My advice would be to create a new project by opening the containing file of your rails project. And select that folder if you want to do svn updates.