Hi to all,
I finally took 2 minutes to make the yet unreleased 0.7 version of svnX available to you (not public yet). You can download it here :
It has a new feature : you can invoke it from TextMate (via AppleScript) and be presented with a window with the different revisions of the edited file. Here is an excerpt from the help file (Help menu).
Invoking svnX's diff window with Applescript
It allows you to use svnX's diff window from another application.
Usage : tell application "svnX" to diff /absolute/path/to/the/file
TextMate example :
osascript -e 'set TM_FILEPATH to get system attribute "TM_FILEPATH"' -e 'tell application "svnX" to diff TM_FILEPATH'
You can also invoke FileMerge to compare the file with the pristine copy (without displaying svnX's diff window, actually without even opening svnX) :
/usr/local/bin/svn diff --diff-cmd "/Applications/svnX.app/Contents/Resources/svndiff.sh" $TM_FILEPATH > /dev/null
More info about svnX here : http://www.lachoseinteractive.net/en/community/subversion/svnx/features/
Dominique PERETTI http://www.lachoseinteractive.net