would it be possible to have
A) project / language / bundle dependent theme settings? Not all themes work as beautifully with all languages (and I know you are advising that themes only implement the most rudimentary things ;))
B) themes that only complement a basic theme (just like with css, where you can override the standard behaviour with extra css definitions inside the html). So, e.g. I want to use one of Thomas's universal themes, but would like to add some snippets, some coloring to my custom language grammars. i.e. just some simple way to combine themes without going the plist- editor route. Just add a preference of some sort of theme layering. (similar to the system's language settings. chose the preferred theme, but take items from a second or third theme if they have scopes defined.)
C) and as a sidenote to B) an option for bundle developers to inject certain stylings into a theme.
D) Maybe the ability to add emty lines before or after a scope? (I know, I am getting way beyond simple here, and no rich text editing is necessary). I am just thinking of certain block level elements that would be nice to separate not only in col,or/background, but also distance.