Hi -
I've been using TextMate for a short while to do a variety of software development tasks. My day job involves mainframe development, including developing and maintaining REXX Execs. As I didn't see that anyone had done this before me, I've created a theme and syntax highlighting bundle for it. The syntax highlighting is working quite well - I'd personally say that it's about 95% there. At this point, I've come up with some questions regarding themes (mine I've called the-not-terribly-original "Mainframe")...
1) If themes are to syntax highlighting (a language) in the way that CSS is to HTML, then why is there not a way to specify in the language definition a specific theme to use? I want to use my Mainframe only when doing REXX stuff (so far), and other themes when doing say C for instance.
2) It would be easier to create and maintain themes if they were on the Window menu as the Bundle Editor is. Having it buried under Preferences -> Fonts & Colors is IMO odd.
3) Unlike a language definition which I could cut 'n' paste or even cut 'n' email, where do user created themes reside? and how could I export/import or cut 'n' paste one?
Brian Caldwell