Phil Aaronson wrote:
Why would you want that in the undo stack? You don't have to reach for the mouse, and you don't have to be over the fold icon to unfold it.
Well perhaps there should be a hot key for it or something.
More importantly its what I (admittedly a newbie, or perhaps more importantly as a newbie) *expected* it to do. Text vs. the representation of text obviously means something to you. The difference is lost on me. If I'm in a word processor and I select some text and make it bold, or change the font, I expect undo to unbold it, or change the font back. Is it really that controversial?
Yes! TextMate is *not* a word processor, it is a text processor! Everything you do with TextMate results in a file with plain text, where no fonts are defined, no italics, no underline, no folding, just the text. The way things look is simply a result of the workings of TextMate. The result of this is also that you can grab any editor and work on the same file: use TextMate, TextPad, vi(m), emacs, SubEthaEdit, BBEdit, etc.