you'll want to look into named captures. For instance in the LaTeX bundle, we have the following:
{ name = 'meta.verb.latex'; match = '(\verb[*]?)(\S)(.*?)(\2|$)'; captures = { 1 = { name = 'support.function.verb.latex'; }; 2 = { name = 'keyword.operator.delimiter.latex'; }; 3 = { name = 'markup.raw.verb.latex'; }; 4 = { name = 'keyword.operator.delimiter.latex'; }; }; },
So, what this does is, if you have: \verb|foo|
then the whole thing will be meta.verb.latex while \verb will be support.function.verb.latex, the two |'s will be keyword.operator.delimiter.latex, while foo becomes markup.raw.verb.latex In other words, groups appearing in your match expression are captured, and they can be given names. 0 is the whole expression, 1 is the first group etc.
On Feb 19, 2006, at 3:46 PM, Oliver Taylor wrote:
I guess the simple question is: how do you stack more than two (the document and the element) scopes?
In Markdown a link gets text.html.markdown, markup.paragraph.markdown, markup.underline.link.markdown... how do I do that?