On 21-05-2005 22:28, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
In the HMTL bundle, and in the XHTML bundle as well, there are snippets like this:
<h1>${1:`echo $TM_SELECTED_TEXT`}$0</h1>
activated via a tab trigger, "h1" in this case. I am completely missing the point here. Why is the echo command there? How can there possibly be a selected text when activating through a tab trigger?
There is of course always the menu you can use to activate the snippet, in which case it would work. Or through some other hotkey.
The way it is right now, if I type h1, press tab, type my heading, and press tab again, the heading is selected. Was that the intended behavior? If so, could someone give me an example of how this is usefull? I haven't played much with html, so I might just be missing something obvious here.
That's a bug with the tab-trigger placements. There has to be a seperator character between the end of ${1:...} and $0 (or $1 and $0).
If this is not the intended behavior, should we change all those snippets to simply <h1>${1:heading}</h1>$0, or <h1>$0</h1> ? Are these snippets redundant in the presence of Ctrl-space, and if so would it make sense to have them have a slightly richer outcome, like <h1 class"$1">... ?
Adding $0 to the end is not necessary. And I don't think the <h1>$0</h1> one has much value over the ctrl-space combo. So perhaps a bit richer might be useful. But I'm guessing this snippet is mostly aimed at the inexperienced developer or for wrapping a tag around some selected text later.
Speaking of which, would there be some way of wrapping a selected text in an arbitrary tag? I know I frequently run into that.