I have change the source of the list of paths for QuickOpen included files. It works fine:
----------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env perl
# to know header paths for your precompiler do: # echo | g++ -E -v -x c++ - # and save the header paths as path1:path2:etc # in the TM pref env variable TM_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
if (!$header) { $line =~ /#\s*include\s*([<"])(.*?)[">]/; $local = $1; $header = $2; }
if ($local eq '"') { $t = $ENV{'TM_DIRECTORY'}; if (-f "$t/$header" ) { print "$t/$header"; system("mate -r "$t/$header""); exit 0; } }
@incs = split(/:/, $hpaths);
foreach $t (@incs) { if (-f "$t/$header") { print "$t/$header"; system("mate -r "$t/$header""); exit 0; } } print ""; exit 1; -----------------------------------
Juan F.