On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 20:55, Steve King sking@arbor.net wrote:
On 2012-02-09 14:03, Martin Kühl wrote:
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 18:50, Andrew Appletonandrew@mintdigital.com wrote:
Are there plans to add an option to strip trailing whitespace on save?
I had this set up in TM1 like this http://blogobaggins.com/2009/03/31/waging-war-on-whitespace.html and it would be great to get ti as a feature of TM2.
You can basically do the same thing. There's a command for stripping trailing whitespace in the Text bundle, it's called "Remove Trailing Spaces in Document / Selection". Just duplicate that and set "Save" to "Current Document".
That doesn't quite work. The file gets saved before the command is applied, not after. But the file is not marked as changed after applying the command! You can quit TM2 and lose the changes made by the command. It's not a big deal for trailing whitespace, but this behavior for other commands could lead to real data loss.
Darn, you're right. We could try a command that saves, then modifies the contents of $TM_FILEPATH, but that sounds rather brittle and assumes TM_FILEPATH is even set _before_ the command script runs.
Given that, I second the original feature request. :-)