Michael Henry wrote:
When nothing is selected, invoking either "Line Up" or "Line Down" from the Text | Move Selection menu will move the current line up or down, which is exactly what I'd want it to do. The unexpected behavior is that the cursor doesn't remain on the moved line at the original offset; instead, the cursor ends up at the start of the line immediately below the moved line. This makes it difficult to move a given line more than one line up or down.
While not ideal, one way to get a partial solution to this is to override the "Line Up" and "Line Down" commands using macros.
Sselect "Automation => Start Macro Recording" then
(1) Select "Text => Move Selection => Line Up" (2) Hit your up arrow
and finally select "Automation => Stop Macro Recording". Then use "Automation => Save Scratch Macro..." to save this as, say, "upline" with a blank scope and the same key command as "Text => Move Selection => Line Up". Repeat with obvious modifications for "downline".
This at least eliminates the major pain (cursor not staying on the switched line): you still manage to lose the column position, but for 30 seconds work it's a big improvement.
Cheers, Paul