On 17/4/2006, at 16:04, Mark Eli Kalderon wrote:
WRT UTF-8 support for "↓↓ Convert Document / Selection to PDF" I modified the command by piping it through iconv like this:
MultiMarkdown.pl "$NAME" |SmartyPants.pl|iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-15 >"$DST.html"
Here’s an alternative version, which instead encode non-ASCII as numeric entities (so it will still show properly in the HTML output, and will not bark with characters not supported by Latin 9):
MultiMarkdown.pl|SmartyPants.pl|"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}" >"$DST.html" - KU -pe '$_.gsub!(/[^\x00-\x7F]/) { |ch| "&##{ch.unpack("U")[0]};" }'
Brad, can you test if this works e.g. with ‘…’ using your custom build of htmldoc (I seem to have deleted my own.)