I can't pin exactly when this problem appeared, but if I perform a `Find in Project` and choose to `Replace All`, TM will mess up with line endings.
Search for: @import "variables" Replace: @import "../variables" Matching: *.scss
Now, if the files are not open, the result in the saved files is literally like this:
LF//LF// Load core variables and mixinsLF// --------------------------------------------------LFLF@import "../variables";LF@import "mixins";LFLFLFLF//LF// ButtonsLF[...]
Where the string LF is literally written to file instead of a line feed character. Files are LF-line-ended and utf-8 encoded. Opening the resultant files after such replacements with other editors will also show these strings in place of new lines.
With open files this doesn't happen because files are not saved to disk after the replacement is performed, and everything seems correct while they're open.
-- David Gasperoni