On 28 Jan 2009, at 00:38, António Afonso wrote:
I've created the simplest (I think) nib I can, just opened IB, created a window and saved it. With that in mind I did the following tests: [...] token = %x{"$DIALOG" nib --open ~/Desktop/Simple}
It’s --load, not --open.
I did the following command (using one of the bundled nibs):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -KU require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/tm/detach" TextMate.detach do token = %x{"$DIALOG" nib --load RequestString} %x{"$DIALOG" nib --wait #{token}} %x{"$DIALOG" nib --dispose #{token}} raise "Done!" end
And it shows a input dialog (w/o stalling) and brings up an (exception) dialog when I dismiss the dialog.