On 27 jan 2010, at 02.14, Alex Ross wrote:
I'm working some more on the Typeset and View command, we are going to replace the default command that currently ships with TextMate. But I need some information. What process are TextMate's LaTeX users following for building their documents?
First of all thanks for putting so much effort into this. This is really appreciated, even though I do not think the old bundle was bad.
I'm sure most of you are using bibtex, but what about other things like makeindex?
Bibtex, makeindex for use with the nomencl package. The latter one being one of the steps where I see room for improvement with the old bundle, iirc I always had to do the makeindex for the nomenclature manually on the command line, Typeset and View didn't do it for me.
Has everyone moved to a pure pdf-based process, or are some of you still using dvi/postscript?
Personally I am on a pure PDF workflow, however I am constantly interchanging documents with my colleagues and some of the same still are on dvi -> ps -> pdf workflow. This is done quite nicely by the Typeset and View of the old bundle, so I am using that for documents from my colleagues and your bundle's Typeset and View for my documents (because it does not have that annoying Skim bug.
What are you using for pictures? Anything you can tell me will help.
I am using graphix with the pdftex option to include my pictures, usually in pdf, jpg, tiff or png format. My colleagues are using \usepackage{epsfig,graphicx,graphics} to cover what is thrown at them, but usually it's just eps files for them.
I would also *love* example documents along with the expected output. This will aid in testing, and ensure that your particular process will be supported!
See separate mail.