Some time ago, someone posted a message about a runtime error with bundles. The problem was never resolved in the mailing list, but perhaps it was outside the list...
I'm seeing the same problem. Whenever I try to execute a python script within TextMate using <command>r, I see this error:
csh: setenv: Too many arguments. /bin/bash: line 2: : command not found
My default shell for my terminal sessions is tcsh, not bash. If that's any help...
The very same script executes fine in a terminal window. If I execute from TextMate using the Bundle -> Run Script (terminal), it works fine. If I just execute the script in a terminal window, it works fine. Open the script in BBEdit, and execute via the #! menu and it works fine.
Similarly, perl scripts return the same dumb error, yet work fine elsewhere.
I updated all my bundles with subversion, per the help file. I added /Library/Application Support/TextMate/ and /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles like the instructions indicated, and then added the bundles I expect to use.
Perhaps someone can tell me the error I've made. Until then, back to BBEdit...
TextMate version 1.5.6, Mac OS X 10.4.10, MacBook Pro.
Richard Brosnahan Editor in Chief Broz News
I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. Mark Twain, author