{ name = 'constant.language.js'; match = '\b(false|null|super|this|true)\b'; },
was replaced with
{ name = 'constant.language.js'; match = '\b(null|super|this)\b'; }, { name = 'constant.language.js.true'; match = '\b(true)\b'; }, { name = 'constant.language.js.false'; match = '\b(false)\b'; },
Ok, I just commited a change to make them constant.language.boolean.true|false.js
I notice in the above that your actually using a reasonably old Javascript syntax, super|this was moved to variable.language back in August, might want to update your copy of TM :)
Once the next update goes out you can go into your ~/Library/ Application Support/TextMate/Bundles folder and remove the Javascript bundle there to get back to the default grammar. Unless of course you have other changes in there you want to keep.