#!/usr/bin/env ruby require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/dialog.rb" str = "hi there" newstr = Dialog.request_string(:title => "Change me!", :prompt => "Please change me:", :default => str) if newstr.nil? print "You pressed Cancel!" else print "Here's the new string: #{newstr}" end
On Mar 2, 2007, at 12:04 PM, Piero D'Ancona wrote:
Hi all. Can someone point me to a basic example of a dialog from inside a ruby code? My needs are basic: at some point my code computes a certain string; I want to check the string, edit it by hand if necessary, and then continue. So I just need something like the example in Allan's screencast about tmDialog, only from inside some ruby code in a TextMate command.
Thanks, Piero
Haris Skiadas Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Hanover College