Hey Lewis,
On 12/3/06, Lewis Overton akakie@gmail.com wrote:
I'm trying to learn about writing useful snippets for things I do often. It looks like I need some conceptual help. For example, I use this snippet:
<tr> <td><cite>${1:title}</cite></td> <td>${2:composer}<br /> arr:${3:arranger}</td> </tr> </table>$0
with a tab trigger of </table>
That worked so well I got greedy. I'd like to cause the snippet to force the title be Title Case.
Can't you just type it out in title case? Or you could use a class attribute on the td or cite tag and use CSS to style it with the text-transform property like this:
HTML code: <td class="title"><cite>song title</cite></td>
CSS code: td.title { text-transform: capitalize; }
that would display the text to the browser like this: Song Title
Otherwise if the text is getting pasted in or something you could do a transformation on it, see: http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/snippets#transformations
Hope that helps!