On Mar 3, 2007, at 12:57 AM, Bob Hartung wrote:
Hi all, I am new to TextMate and have badly mangled a theme. Is there a way to revert a theme to its' original state. Or if I need to remove it, where in the directory structure can I find it? It I need to remove it, I will need the original and I do see individual original themes listed anywhere on the macromates site.
Presumably this was one of the themes that ships with TextMate? Let's pretend its name is Twilight for now, simply because that's the theme I use and you did not specify which theme you were using. The changes you made have been saved in a file under: ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Themes/Twilight.tmTheme
Close TM, and locate that file and remove it. Then you should be good to go. (~ here is of as usual your home directory).
All help appreciated.
Haris Skiadas Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Hanover College
PS: Welcome to TM!