On Feb 3, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Chip Cullen wrote:
I'm a new textmate user- my intention is to use it for web development. one of the most useful bundle commands, obviously, would be the "open document in running browsers".
however, when i run that command, absolutely nothing happens. textmate just sits there, staring at me.
am i missing something? to me, it would seem that if i'm working on an html document, if i were to run that command, it would have safari (which is already running) open the document to show me what it would look like. same goes for firefox or IE (shudder).
I've only lurked on the list so far, and I'm not a Textmate expert, but I do know how to read code...
If you use the bundle editor to look at the command, you will see that the command uses applescript to get a list of running applications. Then it tries to match against this list of names (Webkit, Safari, Shiira, Firefox, Internet Explorer, OmniWeb, Camino and Xyle scope). In the case of Firefox, the internal app name is 'firefox-bin' which doesn't match the name the script is looking for if the match is case sensitive. Also, in firefox's case it tells the app to add a tab to window 1 to show the url in. If there is no open window, this will fail.
This brings me to my newbie question. What is the best method for submitting suggested patches to bundles?