On 27/1/2006, at 8:19, Oliver Taylor wrote:
[...] lack of support for paged-media styles the resulting document does not print ideally.
Not sure what support you seek, but it is possible to give some page- break hints with CSS. For example for the TextMate manuals print style sheet I force a page break [1] after each chapter.
When exporting a PDF from Safari it adds header information and footer stuff, as well as a nice .25in margin on every side. I'd like to change that, if you know how let me know.
For me it only prints headers/footers if I ask it to in the Safari pane of the Print dialog sheet:
As for the margin, I have not tried it, but maybe one can set it with CSS on either HTML or Body.
I've looked into using HTMLDoc and Prince to export the resulting HTML document to a pdf by way of bypassing the build-in PDF services but both of those cost money, something I'd like to avoid. If you have any tips, let me know.
For the records, htmldoc is F/OSS and gratis.
[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/page.html#propdef-page-break-after