I ran into the following problem. I am running the "LaTeX and TeXniscope" command, and one of its lines is: "$TM_BUNDLE_PATH"/latexErrWarn.py When I run the command, I get the following error: /bin/bash: line 6: /Users/haris/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/latexErrWarn.py: No such file or directory
In other words, TM_BUNDLE_PATH seems to be set to point to the bundles in my home directory, and of course does not see the Latex bundle all the way in the root directory.
On the other hand, I ran the "Show Variables" command from the Defaults bundle, and it shows that TM_BUNDLE_PATH is equal to: /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Defaults.tmbundle. So in that case, it points to the bundles in the root directory. So, why this difference? Is there a nice way to fix it?
Thanks, Haris