Hi all,
when using TextMate2 with (modern) Fortran I found that the implementation of derived types does not support the access attributes. For example,
type node integer :: i end type node
looks nice, while inserting the "public" or "private" attributes as in
type, public :: node integer :: i end type node
does not produce a consistent coloring (see also the attached screenshot1.png).
In an first attempt to resolve the problem, I changed the the corresponding entry in the Fortran-Modern Grammar from
{ name = 'meta.type-definition.fortran.modern'; comment = 'Type definition'; begin = '(?x: # extended mode ^\s* # begining of line and some space (?i:(type)) # 1: word type \s+ # some space ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) # 2: type name )'; end = '(?x: ((?i:end)) # 1: the word end \s* # possibly some space (?i:(type))? # 2: possibly the word type (\s+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)? # 3: possibly the name )'; beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'storage.type.fortran.modern'; }; 2 = { name = 'entity.name.type.fortran.modern'; }; }; endCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'keyword.other.fortran'; }; 2 = { name = 'storage.type.fortran.modern'; }; 3 = { name = 'entity.name.type.end.fortran.modern'; }; };
{ name = 'meta.type-definition.fortran.modern'; comment = 'Type definition'; begin = '(?x: # extended mode ^\s* # begining of line and some space (?i:(type)) # 1: word type (,*(?i:(public|private)?)) # 2: optional access attribute \s+ # some space ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) # 3: type name )'; end = '(?x: ((?i:end)) # 1: the word end \s* # possibly some space (?i:(type))? # 2: possibly the word type (\s+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)? # 3: possibly the name )'; beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'storage.type.fortran.modern'; }; 2 = { name = 'storage.modifier.fortran.modern'; }; 3 = { name = 'entity.name.type.fortran.modern'; }; }; endCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'keyword.other.fortran'; }; 2 = { name = 'storage.type.fortran.modern'; }; 3 = { name = 'entity.name.type.end.fortran.modern'; }; };
which made things even worse (screenshot2.png). I tried several other versions, with no essential improvement.
Can anybody give me a hint how to resolve the problem?
Regards, Joerg