I *am* writing my current book in TextMate. I won't claim that my way of doing it is *the* way, only the way that I am doing it.
First, let me say that you'd be a fool not to look at Scrivener. It's a great app. I just about bought it myself, but I had
(1) already spent enough money on trail of the word processing grail
(2) begun to imagine myself enough of a geek to go it on my own (e.g., I already had a way to play QT files from within textmate)
I did, however, copy some ideas from Scrivener, as you'll see in the layout of my project folder:
(For those who don't want the JPG:
/boats /fieldwork /outputs /research /~mss
As you can see, the book is about boats -- crawfish boats in south Louisiana (if you want to see a picture, there's one on the front page of my website: http://johnlaudun.org/) -- and it's a nonfiction work with different enough, to my mind, kinds of research that I have it broken out into simply research and fieldwork. The tilde (~) puts things at the top of Finder windows, but the bottom of TextMate project drawers. (I don't care, as long as the part where I'm doing writing is easy to find. I use MSS, for manuscript, instead of draft, ymmv.)
Most of the mss texts, as you can see, are in Markdown, but that's really MultiMarkdown. I haven't begun to experiment with footnotes just yet -- I'm still early enough in the drafting process that I can play with reference schema -- and Fletcher's footnote implementation is tenuous. (I'm taking a look at Maruku right now, to see if there's anything to learn there.)
I have heard the siren call of LaTeX several times now over the years, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I like being able to share my plain text files with non-markup-aware clients and colleagues and that I can then generate RTF files out of them, which is all publishers want. (Most will also take Word documents, but an increasing number are going back to RTF, precisely because of having to deal with Word's noting system is such a pain.)
So there are writers who write with TextMate -- check out the impressive ScreenMate some time! -- but I don't know if there's any consensus. I, for one, wish I could go from MMD texts to RTF or PDF with headers and/or footers, but I haven't found a convenient way yet -- and I keep forgetting to see if I can get Prince working on my MBP.
I hope that helps.