I absolutely love the feature introduced in TM 2 with Lion: being able to reopen all the windows [1] after any expected or unexpected events (rebooting, upgrading, crashes, ...).
What I miss in TextMate though is reopening the windows in the same desktop where they were before closing the app.
I often have up to 100 files opened at the same time, spread across a number of desktops and I only reboot the OS about once in a month. But after every reboot or TM upgrade, I need to sort the windows manually again which is a bit annoying.
Terminal windows open in exactly the same desktop where they were closed, the web browser (Chrome) sadly doesn't respect that, about other software I don't care. I would really love it if TextMate would remember in which desktop the windows were last opened and reproduce the exact state after relaunch. I don't know how difficult it would be to implement that change though.
What do others think about it? Should I enter the feature request in the tracker?
Thank you, Mojca