hi everyone the bad news is that the latest beta (or how I installed it) ended up deleting all my previous Custom snippets, macros etc. The good news I guess is that I'm re-doing them (not so many anyway) in a much better way :)
Separately I wanted to adapt the default SQL to colorize some of the COLLATE and CHARSET data, partly just as a tutorial. My CocoaMySQL creates table definitions including the following (unfortunately with the "`" included), e.g.:
`user` varchar(20) collate utf8_bin default NULL, [...] ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin
I wanted to offset the collate and CHARSET content so I cut-and-paste within the SQL bundle to create the following:
<dict> <key>foregroundColor</key> <string>#ff3300</string> <key>match</key> <string>^\s*\w+\s+(collate|utf8_bin|DEFAULT|CHARSET|utf8|COLLATE)\s*</ string> <key>name</key> <string>Charset Types</string> </dict>
Alas nothing happens ;) Could anyone give me a hand? This is hardly urgent, but I am just curious what I am doing wrong... FYI I based it on the following; I'm hardly a regex expert or anything but I thought I knew what was going on...
Thanks! Paul
<dict> <key>foregroundColor[1]</key> <string>#CCBA33</string> <key>match</key>
<string>^\s*\w+\s+(bigint|bigserial|bit|bit\svarying(\d+)|boolean|box |bytea|character\s(varying)? (\d+)|char(\d+)|var\schar(\d+)|cidr|circle|date|datetime|double\s precision|inet|int(\d+)|integer|interval(\d+)|line|lseg|macaddr|mon ey|numeric((\d+,\d+))? |oid|path|point|polygon|real|smallint|serial|text|times((\d+))(\swith outstimeszone)?|timestamp(s((\d+))(\swithoutstimeszone)?)? |varchar(\d+))\s*</string> <key>name</key> <string>Data Types</string> </dict>