On 12 Nov 2014, at 23:57, Carpii UK wrote:
I'd really love a slightly more compact view personally (smaller icon size) but I'm gradually getting accustomed to it
There isn’t much between one and two lines. One line is 16 pixels, so two will be around 32 pixels and the icon is presently 32 × 32, which is a good choice since it’s one of the sizes that icons are normally drawn at (i.e. no bitmap scaling, although presently some of TextMate’s own icons need to be redone in the larger resolution).
So if anything, we should go back to a single line: Reading the items with a single line does seem easier.
The advatage of the two lines though is that we can always rank against full path, and for anyone with many identically named files, disambiguating them is easier. Also the extra space, take e.g. the recent changes in ⌃⌘T which had been pending a “larger canvas”.
I’ll probably introduce a toggle between one and two lines, but I want the two line mode to be stable before introducing multiple display modes.
One thing I've noticed is the list selection resets sometimes while the list is filling..
This will be fixed in next build.