* Neil Lee neil@hushboom.com [2007-01-21 09:53]:
My workplace has standardized (a long time ago) on CVS for version control. I'm used to using Subverison with svnX and a bit of command line tomfoolery and haven't used CVS very much.
CVS on the command-line is like Subversion but more annoying... which is why Subversion exists.
I've noticed that TextMate has CVS support, so I'm wondering if anyone here has any tips on using the CVS plugin?
I've been using the CVS bundle at work. It's very similar to the Subversion bundle, if you've tried that. Pressing ⌃⇧Z pops up a menu with all the commands.
It works well for diffing and committing a single file. When I want to commit multiple files together, I go back to the shell. You can view logs with it, but they're not nicely formatted like in the Subversion bundle. It wouldn't take too much effort to fix that.