Hi, Does this help: i) Go to Window > Show Bundle Editor and choose Latex on the left pane. ii) Highlight "Run Bibtex" and click on the middle button which stands on the lower left hand corner of the window. This looks like double plus sign "++" which will create a copy of the bundle "Run Bibtex". iii) Click on "Run Bibtex copy" bundle which you have created above and write the following code in the right hand pane: #---------------------------------- "# Latex-Bibtex-Latex-Latex-dvipdf-show file # Variables V=${TM_LATEX_VIEWER:=preview} M=${TM_LATEX_MASTER:=$TM_FILEPATH} DIR=`dirname "$M"` FILE=`basename -s.tex "$M"` DVI="${FILE%.tex}.dvi" PDF="${FILE%.tex}.pdf" CWD="`pwd`/"
# Switch to the right directory. cd "$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY" cd "$DIR"
latex "$FILE" bibtex "$FILE"|pre latex "$FILE" latex "$FILE" dvipdf "$DVI"
# View... open -a "$V" "$PDF" #----------------------------------
iv) Rename the bundle and run it on your file. See what happens. Success, Guray.