Sorry if this is well-trod ground, but I couldn't find anything in the archives...
I'd like to see TextMate automatically detect the presence of a project file inside a folder which is being opened and use the project file instead of making a fresh, unsaved project from the folder.
This is especially problematic when opening items from the command line. If I cd into a parent directory and see a directory which I'd like to open in TM, I must type "mate <dirname>" if there is no project file available, but if there is a project file, I must type "open <dirname>/<projname>". That is, I must use a different command depending on whether a project file is present or not.
Furthermore, I must either remember whether I have created a project for a given directory, or take the time to manually check for one via ls. I'd much rather be able to take the same action every time and let TextMate do the right thing.
Of course, the matter gets complicated if there is more than one project file in a particular folder. Perhaps in that case TM can prefer the one named to match the enclosing folder, ask the user, or just fall back to existing behavior.
Does anybody have other thoughts on this?