On May 3, 2006, at 3:27 AM, Andreas Wahlin wrote:
I think this is a great idea, but Duane's home/end looses some functionality compared to Thomas', I'm thinking about for example $$('#mainMenu')[0].onmouseout = function() { on which I could navigate quickly from section to section so to speak with Thomas' commands, but with Duane's I only jump a character a time. Could these be merged to get everything from both?
Just to report that intelli-jump works great in LaTeX as is within curly brackets "{}". However it is greedy with "[]" and selects all instead within the brackets.
I took the liberty of adding Duane's bundle to my SVN repo. I changed some stuff to make everything play nicely together.
I changed his shortcuts to ⇧-home & ⇧-end That all works nicely with my PowerBook keyboard.
http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/Bundles/Duane%20Johnson.tmbundle/ feed://trippledoubleyou.subtlegradient.com/textmate/taylott_svnlog.rss
I'm glad people like my stuff. Enjoy! thomas Aylott—subtleGradient—oblivious@subtleGradient.com