Am 11.03.2006 um 17:16 schrieb Charilaos Skiadas:
I thought we had resolved all these issues by using: ~/bin/mate or in general the path to mate as the editor command, and %file -l %line as the editor arguments. Are you having problems with files with spaces under these conditions?
Well, I'm using ›open‹ as editor command and ›"txmt://open?url=file:// %file&line=%line"‹ as argument in TeXniscope but I also had tried the mate command (which resides in /usr/local/bin on my system, but surely can't make a difference -- yes, it is included in $PATH in .profile …) and it made no difference for me. Nothing happened when I command-clicked in TeXniscope if the path and/or file name contains spaces.
I suspected that TeXniscope simply doesn't correctly escape the spaces …