On Dec 4, 2004, at 22:30, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
But regarding some other TM choices, I must say that I've always been confused by applications that stray from the accepted user interface standards [...] coming to the Mac platform means doing it the Mac way.
I don't really know what you refer to, and I never signed a contract with Apple or anyone else forcing me to do it the Mac way, even though I try to do so where it makes sense (remember, AHIG are guidelines, not rules or standards).
But if you have concrete concerns about something in TM let me know, I'm open to feedback, and some AHIG negligence may simple be because I'm unaware of it (or have given it low priority because it requires resources better spent on something else) -- although much of the concrete behavior-related critic I've seen have actually been because I use the *standard* Cocoa behavior (which apparently is rather alien to some Mac users).