hi there,
I've made this feature request for improving the latex bundle and got a reply that maybe the user discussion list would be more appropriate. So here it is:
pstricks remains extremely useful and pdflatex seems to be the future of LaTeX, although it does not support pstricks directly.
There is a simple and elegant way of having then coexist, which is to use the pst-pdf package, which defines a new environment to wrap pstricks figures. However, this now requires that we compile the ps and pdf parts separately as follows:
latex <file.tex> dvips -Ppdf -o <file-pics.ps> <file.dvi> ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/None <file-pics.ps> <file-pics.pdf> pdflatex <file.tex>
This is properly documented in http://tug.org/PSTricks/main.cgi?file=pdf/pdfoutput
The LaTeX bundle should be extended with a new test to see if the pst-pdf package is loaded and perform the steps above, removing the .ps file after the last step.
Has anyone been able to extend the latex bundle with a way to handle pst-pdf?