Haris wrote:
The screencast is very nice! The main problem for me is that I don't know the first thing about what things a screenwriting bundle should be doing. If you ask very particular questions about how certain tasks could be accomplished, I'm sure you'll find that lots of people will be able to help you. But most of us are just not familiar with screenwriting software, and screenplay formats in general. I actually looked at your bundle the last time you posted, but couldn't really understand what most commands are for, since I've never in my life seen a screenplay. Seeing the screencast makes some things click. So please, set some particular goals for commands/conversion tools, and you have a good chance of getting people to help out. For instance, what would you want the conversion tool to do? Give us some examples of how the result should look. You've done a great work so far, and it would be nice to see this bundle pushed even further.
Okay, I guess most people had no idea what I was doing when I posted my screenwriting bundle because I didn't describe what the bundle does and how it does it. My mistake.
I've posted a new screencast that goes into much more detail regarding what I the bundle to be able to do. Grab it here: http:// www.ollieman.net/files/screencast2.mp4
The ultimate goal is to end up with a PDF which contains text that conforms to the Studio Format. The Studio Format is a industry- standard layout which all professional screenwriters work in and is the very purpose of screenwriting software. Fortunately for us, the format is very strict as it is modeled after what a typewriter is capable of.
You can find more information on the Studio Format and an example of it at http://www.ollieman.net/files/bundles/
In another screencast, I intro the bundle and what it's designed to do from a writer's perspective. Grab it here: http://www.ollieman.net/ files/screencast-intro.mp