Try typing "which ruby" and press ctrl+r. TextMate should show you the path to the binary it's trying to run. There should be one in / usr/bin. If you want to run the one in /usr/local/bin, you may need to set a "TM_RUBY' environment variable in TM's preferences (under the "Advanced" page, "Shell Variables" tab). My guess is that TM doesn't know about the one under /usr/local/bin and you've altered permissions to the one in /usr/bin to prevent it from running. Use ctrl+r on "echo $PATH" to see the PATH as TM sees it.
On Dec 5, 2006, at 9:11 AM, Jordan von Kluck wrote:
How does Textmate use ruby (or how does it invoke it)?
I've got the 1.8.5 binary installed in /usr/local/bin/ and that's definitely executable by me.
Thanks - Jordan
Kevin replied December 5, 2006 10:10:42 AM CST:
It sounds like your ruby binary isn't executable by you.
On Dec 5, 2006, at 10:28 AM, Jordan von Kluck wrote:
As of late, anytime I use most any of the bundles items in TextMate I get the following as output: "env: ruby: Permission denied".
I'm running the latest version of TextMate(r1324) on 10.3.9 and
haven't done anything wild and crazy to my ruby installation except update it to 1.8.5 from the install that comes with 10.3.
I've tried setting a shell variable in TextMate for the
proper path to ruby and mucking around with the permissions and ownership of ruby to no avail.
Does anyone have any idea what I've managed to break?
-- Kevin Ballard
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