On 25. Apr 2007, at 13:39, Bonhôte André wrote:
On 25.04.2007, at 11:37, Jacob Rus wrote:
That looks like some sort of BBCode derivative. See if you can't just inherit the bulletin board language grammar (and also look at it for an example showing how to make a simple language grammar).
Could you give me a hint where to find this bb code thing? Doesn't look like it's installed by default.
If you have Subversion (svn) installed already, run these five lines in Terminal:
mkdir -p /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles cd /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 svn co http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles/Bulletin% 20Board.tmbundle osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'